Experts launch global call for tough AI questions in ‘Humanity’s Last Exam’

Experts launch global call for tough AI questions in ‘Humanity’s Last Exam’

A team of technology experts issued a global call on Monday seeking the toughest questions to pose to artificial intelligence systems, which increasingly have handled popular benchmark tests like child’s play. Dubbed “Humanity’s Last Exam,” the project seeks to determine when expert-level AI has arrived. It aims to stay relevant even as capabilities advance in … Read more

How US, UK social security system is unfair for Indians

How US, UK social security system is unfair for Indians

“You have to earn 40 credits, which is equivalent to working for 10 years in the US, to get eligible for pension benefits after retirement, otherwise all contributions will be a sunk cost for you,” says chartered accountant Anurag Jain, co-founder and partner at ByTheBook Consulting LLP, a tax consulting firm. Moreover, you have to … Read more