Don’t have a CIBIL score? Here’s how a secured credit card can help you build it

Don’t have a CIBIL score? Here's how a secured credit card can help you build it

What is a secured credit card? It is a type of credit card issued against the security of a fixed deposit. If you don’t have a CIBIL score, you can open a new fixed deposit or offer an existing fixed deposit and ask the bank to offer you a secured credit card against it. The … Read more

RBI acts on credit card usage for P2P payments like rent and tuition fees: Will it ban them?

RBI acts on credit card usage for P2P payments like rent and tuition fees: Will it ban them?

In February 2024, the RBI data showed that credit card spending reached Rs. 1.5 lakh crores, a 26% annual growth. Within these spends, the usage of credit cards for payments like rent, tuition fees, vendor payments, society maintenance, etc., to individuals has picked up in the last few years.  The RBI is not comfortable with … Read more