Retirement Planning: What plants should you grow in your savings orchard?

Retirement Planning: What plants should you grow in your savings orchard?

The other day, I took my little one to play in a nearby garden. Kids being naturally curious, he bombarded me with questions about the trees, plants, flowers, and the variety of flora we encountered. As we wandered among the blooms, his questions sparked a chain of thought in my mind. Reflecting on his inquiries, … Read more

Confused about retirement planning? 5 steps to get you started

Confused about retirement planning? 5 steps to get you started

Retirement is often seen as the phase of life following one’s exit from the workforce. It’s a time for relaxation and pursuing neglected hobbies or interests. Many opt to travel, bond with family, or engage in community service. Regardless of their pursuits, retirees share a common desire: to avoid worrying about income sources and constantly … Read more

4 best personal finance books that will expose your mind to the world of investing

4 best personal finance books that will expose your mind to the world of investing

Studying finance books can significantly enhance your financial understanding and help you achieve your objectives. Introductory texts provide fundamental principles, whereas more advanced ones explore detailed investment tactics. The books you choose depend largely on your goals. Reflect on why you’re reading a personal finance book: whether it’s to eliminate debt, plan for retirement, or … Read more