Personal loan: Should you organise your wedding with borrowed money? Experts say this

Personal loan: Should you organise your wedding with borrowed money? Experts say this

If you have a wedding at home which is due in a month or two, and are clueless as to how will you arrange the money — there is a little that you can do apart from raising a loan from a bank or a financial institution. But there is no specific loan given for … Read more

Is it a good idea to raise a personal loan? MintGenie explains the pros and cons

Is it a good idea to raise a personal loan? MintGenie explains the pros and cons

Staring at an acute financial crisis could compel you to explore an array of funding avenues. Among these, one of the most feasible ones is to raise a personal loan. A personal loan is an unsecured loan that can be used to meet urgent financial needs, such as a medical emergency, a wedding, a home … Read more