How to tackle concerns regarding a trustee’s management of property

How to tackle concerns regarding a trustee’s management of property

‘A’ has established a trust to manage his extensive portfolio of real estate assets for the benefit of his children and grandchildren. He appointed his longtime friend, ‘B’, as the trustee. Recently, some beneficiaries have raised concerns about the management of the trust properties, questioning whether ‘B’ is fulfilling his duties properly. In a trust, … Read more

How to ensure phased payouts to your nominee in the case of death

How to ensure phased payouts to your nominee in the case of death

In the event of my death, I don’t want my son to receive the entire amount in my mutual fund (MF) investments, bank accounts and term insurance payout in one go. How do I ensure that he gets the money in phases like how it happens through an MF systematic withdrawal plan (SWP)? Can you … Read more