AI needs regulation, but what kind, and how much?

AI needs regulation, but what kind, and how much?

Perhaps the best-known risk is embodied by the killer robots in the “Terminator” films—the idea that AI will turn against its human creators. The tale of the hubristic inventor who loses control of his own creation is centuries old. And in the modern era people are, observes Chris Dixon, a venture capitalist, “trained by Hollywood … Read more

92% of knowledge workers in India use AI at work as compared to the global figure of 75%.

92% of knowledge workers in India use AI at work as compared to the global figure of 75%.

Notably, 72% of AI employees are proactively bringing their own AI solutions to work, rather than relying solely on company-provided resources to enhance productivity. In comparison, the global average for AI workers embracing Bring Your Own Artificial Intelligence (BYOAI) stands at 78%.   ‘72% Indian AI users bringing their own AI tools to work’  “While … Read more

AI holds tantalising promise for the emerging world

AI holds tantalising promise for the emerging world

New technology brings with it both the sweet hope of greater prosperity and the cruel fear of missing out. Satya Nadella, the boss of Microsoft, says he is haunted by the fact that the Industrial Revolution left behind India, his country of birth. (Indian manufacturers hardly enjoyed a level playing-field—Britain was then both their rival … Read more

Does generative artificial intelligence infringe copyright?

Does generative artificial intelligence infringe copyright?

GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) will transform the workplace. The International Monetary Fund reckons that AI tools, which includes ones that produce text or images from written prompts, will eventually affect 40% of jobs. Goldman Sachs, a bank, says that the technology could replace 300m jobs worldwide. Sceptics say those estimates exaggerate. But some industries seem … Read more